Gro-Organic CIC: The seed of an idea that keeps on growing

Sarah Gill founded Gro-Organic in 2011, to support her local community in North Solihull. Her aim, to help them transform waste land into vibrant community gardens and enhance their lives.
I’m Bethan, the newest member of the Gro-Organic family. I am the company Chef and Project Co-Ordinator and every day is different for me! You’ll often find me out cooking in the community, using our own fresh produce in the earth oven, sharing my passion for home grown produce and good food with local residents. If I’m not cooking, then I’m helping the team run the outstanding projects that we are involved with.
I love the work that we carry out with schools, from creating Bug Villages and allotment beds to our latest community project, where I am working on revitalising a new community space with fantastic events and activities for the everyone at #TheGreen. So, if you would like to get involved with our community work or have a passion for cooking, let me know!
Sarah Gill founded Gro-Organic in 2011, to support her local community in North Solihull. Her aim, to help them transform waste land into vibrant community gardens and enhance their lives.
A blog on the work of the CIC Regulator. Contributors are CIC staff and invited guest bloggers with an interest in Community Interest Companies (CICs).
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