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Annual Report 2018 to 2019: Community Interest Companies and the Environment

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The Regulator’s Community Interest Companies (CIC) Annual Report 2018 to 2019 was laid in Parliament on Thursday, 11 July 2019.

The report is always a team effort, where we detail the work of the CIC Regulator from April 2018 to March 2019. This year we were again ably supported by Gareth Price, Graphic Designer at Companies House.

Front page of the annual report for community interest companies for 2018 to 2019

This year's report

The theme of this year’s report concerns the environmental contribution of CICs and their benefit to communities.  For this report we looked at:

  • the environmental importance of CICs
  • the eco-impact that CICs are making to their communities, employees and wider public
  • where successful, community-focused businesses embody ‘Clean Growth’.

Ceri Witchard, CIC Regulator said:

CICs, with their entrepreneurial leadership and flexibility to take decisive action, are well-placed to positively benefit communities in achieving low-carbon goals and leading the shift to a greener, cleaner UK.

Report content

This year’s report includes:

  • a Foreword from the Ceri Witchard, the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
  • information on applications, regulation, growth and approvals
  • CIC case studies such as:
    • Eco Larder CIC –
      • a zero-waste supermarket
      • reducing plastic waste and promoting a greener lifestyle through shared community effort
    • YES Energy Solutions CIC –
      • Winners of ‘Green Champion of the Year’ for commitment to carbon reduction and alleviating fuel poverty across the UK
    • Chiltern Rangers CIC – Awarded ‘Best Lottery Environment’ project for
      • enhancing local habitats through conservation, education & community engagement
    • 4R’s Recycling CIC – Offering multiple training and employment opportunities to local community via;
      • recovering
      • recycling
      • reusing; and
      • reducing’ furniture and white goods
  • Clean Growth statistics

Key Facts

Statistical facts shown in a decorative manner


Along with the success stories from our CICs, we also have excellent contributions from:

  • Heidi Fisher – Chartered Accountant, Author and Social Impact Specialist; on the environmental impact of CICs; and
  • Clean Growth Directorate – BEIS; on the business benefits of CICs being environmentally focused and aware.

These are just a few of the highlights. We do hope you enjoy reading this year’s report. 

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