Musica Music and Wellbeing CIC - using music to make a difference!

Musica provides music workshops and performances in care settings, as well as music programmes for children across the South of the UK.
Rosanna Mead is the Founder and Director of Musica Music and Wellbeing CIC. She is an advocate of the use of music in healthcare, and is currently undertaking a PhD in Sociology at the University of Exeter, exploring hospital environments for patients with dementia and the role that music can play within this. Through Musica, she is on a mission to inspire care homes to embed music into their care provision for older adults.
Musica provides music workshops and performances in care settings, as well as music programmes for children across the South of the UK.
A blog on the work of the CIC Regulator. Contributors are CIC staff and invited guest bloggers with an interest in Community Interest Companies (CICs).
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