Bike Tours for the Wounded aka BT4TW became a CIC in June 2014. We provide support to both serving members and veterans of the UK’s Armed Forces, who are:
- wounded
- injured or
- sick
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have a tremendous impact on the lives of those who are affected by the condition. So we have supported, and continue to support many serviceman and servicewomen with PTSD.
How do we do this?
Each tour, we give 52 servicemen and women an opportunity to take part as a pillion on the back of a Harley Davidson motorbike down Route 66.

This is a life changing experience for them and these adventures are not for everyone. They are also not jollies and are tough on the mind and body. The serviceman and women who accept a funded place are willing and wanting a life challenge.

How is this possible?
We recruit experienced riders who share our passion and desire to carry one of our wounded, injured or sick (WIS) pillions on one of our tours. So if riding down Route 66 on a Harley Davidson is on your bucket list, we say:
Why not make the trip extra special and share the experience with one of our wounded, sick or injured (WIS) pillions?

The benefits
These tours are proving to be an important part of their rehabilitation programs. They offer an opportunity to:
- find alternative support networks
- form new friendships
- share experiences with others in similar situations and
- to take time to reflect on what they have achieved
Most of all they give each individual something to look forward to and focus on. The difference we have seen in many of the servicemen and women we have supported has been remarkable and this drives our desire to continue what we do.
We have a saying here:
When you wake up in the morning decide!
So far
We have taken over 200 personnel on tour and this has only been possible with the continued support from the public at our fundraising events. Each place is not cheap and costs £1,795.
So if you're an experienced rider with a passion for this, please get in touch. We can continue making this a reality and life changing experience for WIS pillions.
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